Etiquettes for Reciting Holy Quran

Quran is the book of Allah. It is consisted  of unaltered and direct words of Allah which was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 1400 years ago . It is not like any other book in this world. As Quran is the word of Allah so one must follow a great deal of Etiquettes for Reciting the Holy Quran  to get the blessings of Allah Almighty.

In Quran Allah says
"None touch it except the purified" (Quran 56:79)

Some of the essential etiquettes that must be followed while reciting the Quran are described below;

  1. You must be in the state of purity. One can not touch the holy Quran without doing wudu that involve washing of hands, mouth, nostrils, arms and feet in a manner as described by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). 
  2. Cover your head properly with stole or scarf.
  3. The place where you are going to sit to read the Quran, must be clean or pure. Sit straightly and not lean back 
  4. One must use the right hand for holding the Quran
  5.  Always read 'Tauz' to seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan and then read 'Tasmiah' before starting the recitation
  6. Do not talk with anyone during recitation and do not look anywhere else when Quran is opened
  7. Make sujood , after reciting the ayah with sajda in it.
  8. Read the Quran  slowly for better understanding, and pronounce each word properly and carefully to avoid any type of mistake.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) said 
"Make your voices beautiful when you recite"

One can seek the blessings of Allah Almighty by following the good manners for reciting the holy quran while reading the quran.

If you want to learn how to read the Quran then join Noor ul Kitaab Online Quran Academy.  
It is the responsibility of our tutor to teach the students about etiquettes for reciting the Holy Quran. 


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